Insider Tricks for Copywriting for Small Businesses

January 23, 2024

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Ready to transform your brand’s voice and magnify the impact of your small business copywriting? Then you’re in the right place. We’re talking about the art of copywriting for small businesses today, and we’ve got a treasure trove of insider tips to share. 

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just getting started, learning to wield the power of words can give your brand the competitive edge it needs. So, let’s dive in!

Why do Small Businesses Need Copywriting?

Imagine a world without words. What would your business look like? Copywriting is the lifeblood of any business, especially for small businesses where every single interaction matters. It communicates your brand, sells your products, and helps you build relationships with your customers. Without it, your business might as well be invisible.

Not only does copywriting get your business noticed. It also connects with your audience on an emotional level, triggering thoughts and feelings that help them identify better with your brand. That’s the power of copywriting. 

An experienced and talented copywriter for small businesses knows how to tell a story that resonates with customers and sparks action. It’s more than just pretty words. It’s all about strategic storytelling that moves your audience to engage with your brand.

10 Insider Tips and Tricks for Crafting Effective Small Business Copywriting

That being said, copywriting isn’t easy. Otherwise, everyone would be knocking it out of the park. Fortunately, there are some trade secrets and expert tips we can share to help elevate your online branding. Here are ten tips and tricks to help elevate your small business copywriting.

1. Writing with Empathy

Empathy is the secret sauce to help you connect with your audience on a deeper level. As a copywriter for small businesses, your job is not just to sell a product or service but to understand your customer’s needs, fears, and desires. When you write with empathy, you’re showing your audience that you understand them. That’s why 31% of all advertisements capitalize on emotional content – because it has a bigger impact than rational content.

Empathetic writing creates a bond of trust between your brand and your audience. It shows you understand their pain points and you’re here to offer solutions. Customers don’t buy products; they buy better versions of themselves. Your words can help them see that.

2. Power Words

When it comes to copywriting, not all words are created equal. Power words are like magic spells that evoke emotions and motivate action. Words like “exclusive,” “unlock,” “imagine,” and “discover” can supercharge your copy and entice readers to act.

Successful small business copywriters understand the potency of power words. They are invaluable tools for crafting persuasive copy that grips the reader’s attention and incites action in the form of a like, follow, subscription, or purchase.

3. The Rule of Three

Harness the power of the Rule of Three. As a copywriter for small businesses, you want your message to be memorable, and this rule is your ally. Whether it’s benefits, features, or adjectives, when information comes in threes, it’s more persuasive, memorable, and engaging.

Consider famous trios like “mind, body, spirit,” “live, laugh, love,” or “stop, look, listen.” They roll off the tongue and easily stick in your mind. It’s no coincidence that many successful brands utilize this strategy in their taglines and copy. The Rule of Three is a recipe for catchy and influential copy that resonates with audiences.

4. Keep it Short, Simple, and Easy to Read

In the digital age, attention spans are shrinking. In fact, the average human attention span is around 8.25 seconds. Your customers literally don’t have time for complex jargon or long-winded explanations. So, as a small business copywriter, it’s crucial to keep your copy short, simple, and easy to read.

Use clear and concise language that your audience can easily understand. Here are a few tips for making your copywriting more readable:

  • Write killer headlines
  • Break up your text with header levels
  • Use bullet points
  • Incorporate images and graphics
  • Keep your paragraphs between 2-3 sentences
  • When possible, use smaller, simpler words
  • Write powerful CTAs

5. The Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test

While writing, you must consider your audience’s ability to comprehend your message. Here’s where the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Score comes in handy. It measures the readability of your text, giving it one of two scores.

The first score is called the Flesch Reading Ease, a number between 0 and 100. The higher the score, the more readable it is. In copywriting, you should aim for a score of 80 or above, which should make your copy more accessible to a wider audience.

The second is the Felsch-Kincaid Grade Level, which assigns a grade level based on how difficult or easy it is to read your content. For this, the higher the grade level, the more difficult it is to read. It’s also important to note that the average American reads at a 7th or 8th-grade level.

6. Sensory Words

Sensory words tap into the five senses—sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. The human brain is wired to respond to sensory experiences, so sensory words can make your copy more vivid, engaging, and memorable. 

By incorporating sensory words into your copy, you can paint a more vivid picture in your reader’s mind. This can enhance the emotional impact of your content, making it more persuasive, memorable, and engaging.

7. Scarcity Mindset

Want to make your audience act quickly? Invoke the scarcity mindset. Limited-time offers or limited-stock items can create a sense of urgency that pushes customers to act. This is essentially the principle of supply and demand at work. Scarcity implies value, so if your services are “limited to availability” or “selling out fast,” people will subconsciously assign a higher value.

However, use this tactic sparingly and honestly. Excessive or false scarcity can backfire and harm your brand’s credibility.

8. The PAS Framework

One of the most effective formulas in copywriting is the PAS Framework: Problem, Agitate, Solve. First, identify a problem your audience is facing. Next, agitate that problem to make it more real and emotional. Then, lastly, present your product or service as the solution.

This formula works because it will resonate with your audience’s experiences. You’re not just selling a product; you’re offering a solution to a problem. And this empathetic approach can make your copy more persuasive and your product more desirable.

9. The AIDA Model

Next is the AIDA Model: Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. It’s a proven method to guide your audience from awareness to action, essentially walking them down your marketing funnel right to your sales team. 

Start by grabbing their attention, spark their interest with intriguing information, build desire by demonstrating benefits, and finally, tell them how to take action.

When done right, this model can dramatically improve the effectiveness of your copy. Whether it’s clicking a button, subscribing to a newsletter, or purchasing a product, the AIDA model is your roadmap to guide readers toward a desired action.

10. The Bucket Brigade

Have you ever wondered how to keep your audience reading from the first word to the last? Well, that’s where the Bucket Brigade comes in handy. A “Bucket Brigade Phrase” acts as a bridge, keeping your readers engaged and moving through your content.

Bucket brigade phrases include terms like: 

  • “But wait, there’s more…”
  • “Here’s the kicker…”
  • “Believe it or not…” 

These phrases build curiosity and make your copy more engaging. They’re like breadcrumbs that keep your readers hooked until the very end of your copy. And when they’re used effectively and sparingly, they can be used to create super engaging copy.

Use These Tips and Tricks to Elevate Your Brand’s Copywriting

Every word of copy is a new opportunity to resonate with your audience and convert them into loyal customers. And with our expert tips and tricks, you should have everything you need to craft compelling copy that will resonate with your audience. 

Remember, great copy is about telling a captivating story and showing how your product or service improves your customers’ lives. Put that extra bit of work into your copy, and we guarantee you’ll see better results.

Don’t stop learning and experimenting. The world of copywriting is ever-evolving, and there’s always more to discover. For more insights, sign up for our newsletter to receive more marketing tips and tricks from industry experts.