Feature vs Benefit: The Secret to More Leads

January 23, 2024

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Distinguishing between a "feature" and a "benefit" is not always as straightforward as it may seem. Understanding the distinction is critical, especially when it comes to marketing your small business. 

In this comprehensive guide, we're comparing a feature vs benefit and revealing why making the distinction can be the secret to generating more leads for your small business.

What is a Feature?

In business terms, a feature is an inherent aspect or attribute of your product or service. It's the "what" of your offering or the qualities, characteristics, and components that make it what it is. Think of features as facts. They're objective and unchanging. For instance, if you're selling a laptop, its features might include a 13-inch display, 8GB of RAM, 256GB SSD, and a built-in webcam.

It's important to understand that while features are essential in defining your product, they don't inherently sell your product. That's where benefits come in.

What is a Benefit?

While features are about the "what," benefits focus on the "why." They answer the critical question, "So what?" In other words, benefits are the value or advantage that customers receive from the features of your product or service.

Going back to our laptop example, the 13-inch display (a feature) offers the benefit of a compact, portable design ideal for on-the-go professionals. The 8GB RAM (another feature) provides the advantage of smooth multitasking, allowing users to run multiple applications simultaneously without system slowdowns.

Feature vs Benefit: Why Does it Matter?

Understanding the difference between features and benefits is crucial to effective marketing and sales. While features describe your product or service, the benefits sell it. 

Consumers don't just buy products - they buy the outcomes or advantages that those products can provide. In your customer's minds, the question isn't about what the product does but what it can do for them. It's why all the best copywriting formulas focus on value and results – not features. 

Highlight Benefits in Your Marketing and Sales

When it comes to marketing and sales, the benefits of your product or service should take center stage. That's not to say that features aren't important. But the key is to highlight benefits and then support them with features.

Think about it this way: your customers have challenges, goals, or aspirations. Your product or service provides the solution (benefit), and the features of your product make that solution possible.

When you lead with benefits, you instantly speak to your customers' needs and wants. You show them how your product or service can make their lives better, easier, or more enjoyable. On the other hand, features don't always translate value. 

Examples of Feature vs Benefit

Here are some specific examples to better understand the connection between features and benefits.

  • Product: Laptop

Feature: 256GB SSD
Benefit: Allows for quick and responsive performance and ample storage space for your files and documents.

  • Product: Organic Skincare Cream
    Feature: Made with all-natural, organic ingredients
    Benefit: Nurtures your skin with safe, chemical-free nutrients for a healthier complexion.

  • Product: Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs
    Feature: Uses less energy than traditional bulbs
    Benefit: Saves you money on electricity bills and contributes to a greener planet.

  • Product: Home Security System
    Feature: 24/7 professional monitoring
    Benefit: Provides peace of mind knowing your home is protected around the clock.

  • Product: Meal Delivery Service
    Feature: Pre-portioned ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes
    Benefit: Saves time shopping and meal planning and helps you learn to cook new dishes.

  • Product: High-End Athletic Shoes
    Feature: Gel cushioning system
    Benefit: Enhances comfort and reduces impact during workouts, preventing injury.

Each of these examples demonstrates the product's feature and then translates that feature into a real, tangible benefit for the customer. Remember, the more effectively you can connect your product's features to the positive outcomes your target audience will experience, the more compelling your product will be.

Feature vs. Benefit FAQs 

Still have questions? Here are some of the top questions about features and benefits. 

What is Feature or Benefit Selling?

Feature or benefit selling is a sales approach focused on the features or benefits of a product or service rather than just the product itself. The idea is to show potential customers how the product's features (and the resulting benefits) can solve their problems or meet their needs. Feature and benefits sales training can be incredibly helpful for understanding how to incorporate these points into your process. 

What is the Difference Between Features and Benefits in Copywriting?

In copywriting, the distinction between features and benefits becomes even more crucial. While features give your copy substance and depth, benefits provide the emotional resonance that compels your audience to take action. Your features tell your audience what your product is and does, but your benefits show them how it can improve their lives.

How Do You List Features and Benefits?

Creating a feature and benefits chart is an effective way to organize your thoughts and ensure you translate each of your product's features into benefits that resonate with your customers. Start by listing all the helpful features of a product. Then, next to each feature, write down the benefit it provides. This exercise can also be a powerful marketing tool in developing marketing materials, as it ensures you're always linking features to their benefits.

Features vs Benefits Sales Training

The principle of selling benefits over features should be a fundamental part of your sales training. Equip your sales team with the understanding and tools they need to effectively communicate the benefits of your product or service to potential customers. This includes training them to understand your product's features and corresponding benefits and how to uncover and respond to customer needs with tailored benefit statements.

Capitalize on The Power of Benefits

Understanding and utilizing the difference between features and benefits can transform your marketing and sales strategy. While features play an essential role in defining your product or service, it's the benefits - the value your product brings to your customers - that truly drive sales.

Remember, your customers aren't just buying a product. They're buying a solution, an experience, a better version of their life. So, as you market and sell your product, focus on answering the customer's most crucial question: "What's in it for me?" 

So, are you ready to leverage the power of benefits in your marketing strategy? It's time to translate your features into benefits that resonate with your audience and watch as your leads multiply.

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